Dortir Wrach

1760 - Dorti'r Wrach (The Witch)

According to the story, Dorti who was considered a witch lived in the Llandecwyn area towards the end of
the eighteenth century. It was a custom at that time if there was doubt about any suspicious events in an
area, that people had the right to give a test to show if a woman was a witch or not.

It was custom at that time if there was doubt about any suspicious events in an area, that people had the right to perform a test to show whether a woman was a witch or not. Dorti, who was suspected of being a witch, was put in a barrel on top of Moel Tecwyn and dropped over the edge in an attempt to prove whether she was a witch or not.

Needless to say, she did not survive. According to the story, her grave is on the shore of Llyn Tecwyn Uchaf and when people pass by, it's a must that a white stone is put on her grave - to keep away any evil!