Between  the two wars people were very poor and it was  difficult to  make ends meet and because of that men would leave the  farms and  the quarries. Some went to South Wales to work in the  coalmines as they could make more money, but it was a very difficut time for their wives and families. 

Some of the single men found a wife and settled in South Wales.  I can remember it was Christmas and  you would see people going round the farms with a sack to beg. They would ask for a few potatoes or swede.  After  going  to  a few farms they would feel the  sack  getting heavier.   I heard about one old woman in  Harlech,  when  the farmer  said to her that she had enough to carry, but she kept on filling the sack as she had her husband hiding behind  the  hedge ready to carry her load. She would then  carry on with an empty sack.

A woman that we knew  would go out early in the morning to  paper rooms  for people and she had to clean the room after and  all she had for her labour was two shillings and she had to make food for her children after she went home as she was a widow.